Please donate!

Since 2003 the non-profit VERUM Foundation depends solely on the profit from its assets of 4.1 million Euro. However, the support of outstanding research projects and the design and co-ordination of research collaborations require a lot of money. At the same time we have to recognize that it is still a long way until proven diagnostic tools and therapies are available for the age-related neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore, we ask for your donations or endowments:

Stiftung VERUM
HypoVereinsbank München
Code: 700 202 70
Account: 1830 256 071

Stiftung VERUM
IBAN: DE44 7002 0270 1830 2560 71

According to § 10 of the German Income Tax Law the Foundation is entitled to issue written confirmations for donations or endowments given for its scientific purposes. For a donation higher than 200 Euro you will receive a confirmation if your address is shown on the bank statement. For donations lower than 200 Euro the German tax authorities accept your bank statement or the respective computer print in case of online banking.

The Munich tax office for corporations issued the Notification for Exemption from Tax on October 4, 2013, for the years 2010 until 2012.
